Part number 550-141-850/069918
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
Prepare boiler — orifice plate
The correct orifice plate must be used. Failure to do so will result in severe
personal injury, death or substantial property damage.
Natural gas:
For natural gas installations, inspect the silver gas/air orifice plate marking. It must be
the same as the boiler size. If the orifice plate is stamped with another size, obtain the correct plate
from your wholesaler. The boiler size is stamped where the “X” is shown in the plate stamping,
Figure 5b.
For propane installations, replace the silver gas/air orifice plate with the red/white
, per following instructions. Ensure the red/white plate boiler size is correct for the GV
boiler being installed. The boiler size is stamped where the “X” is shown in the plate stamping,
Figure 5b.
Also fill out the propane label in the conversion kit and attach to the left side of the jacket, above
the gas inlet opening, as shown in Figure 5a.
Plate installation
Access the bottom of the blower housing as shown in Figure 5a.
To inspect the plate only, read the marking on the plate edge. It must read the same as the
boiler size and fuel.
To replace the plate, using a manual screwdriver or nut driver, see Figure 5b:
1. Loosen screws 1 and 2 two full turns.
2. Remove screws 3 and 4.
3. Pull the gas/air orifice plate forward to remove it.
4. Slide in the new plate as shown in Figure 5b. The red side of a propane plate must go
next to the blower housing
as shown.
5. Replace screws 3 and 4. Tighten all four screws securely and uniformly. DO NOT overtighten.
DO NOT exceed 40 inch-pounds torque.
6. Bend down plate label tab at score mark as shown in lower right corner of Figure 5b.
Check for correct
orifice plate and
replace if necessary
Remove jacket front panel to access the bottom
side ofthe blower housing.
Leave the boiler on its back, on the skid as
shown, until you have checked the gas/air orifice
plate andreplace it ifnecessary.
Complete the propane conversion label included
with the conversion kit. Install label on jacket left
side, asshown.
Figure 5a
Check for correct orifice plate
and replace if necessary.
Leave boiler on its back, on
the skid, until inspection/
replacement is completed.