The VXA-710 provides 70 user-programmable Main
memories, labeled “MR1” through “MR68”, “MRLch,”
and “MRUch,” up to 90 pre-programmed memories, des-
ignated “Book” Memories, labeled “BMR1” through
“BMR90,” and one Home channel, allowing storage and
quick recall of favorite operating frequency.
The Main memories and “Book” Memories can be assigned
alpha-numeric names of up to eight characters.
Memory System Operation
The VXA-710’s Main Memory system allows the user to
store, label, and recall channel frequencies which you may
want to use frequently. You may store VFO frequencies,
“Book” Memory frequencies, and/or Weather Channel fre-
quencies (USA version only) into the Main Memory sys-
Memory Storage
Select the desired frequency in the VFO mode, or re-
call the “Book” Memory channel or Weather channel
to be stored in the Main Memory.
Press and hold in the key for 2 seconds. The dis-
play will indicate “MW” and a channel number will
blink on the LCD.
Within five seconds of pressing the key, rotate the
DIAL selector knob to select the desired memory chan-
nel number for storage. In order to prevent writing
over memory channels, an “ ” icon will appear at
the right of the channel number to indicate if the
memory channel is vacant.
Now press and hold in the key for 2 seconds; you
will now see the blinking “A” character on the LCD.
To attach an alpha/numeric name (label) to the
memory, proceed to the next step; otherwise press and
hold in the key for 2 seconds to save the entry and
To label a memory with an alpha/numeric name, the
next step is to use the DIAL selector knob to select
any of the 125 available characters (including letters,
numbers, and special symbols). Press the key re-
peatedly to recall the desired letter, number, and sym-
bol in the first charactor slot (a
a ...).
When the desired first character appears, press the
key momentarily to select it and move on to the next
Select succeeding characters in the same manner, press-
ing the key momentarily after each selection.
After entering the entire name (eight characters maxi-
mum), press the key for 2 seconds to save all data
for the channel and exit.