Reception of Weather Channel Broadcasts
USA version only
The VXA-710 can receive VHF Weather Channel broad-
casts, which may assist your flight planning. The VXA-
710 includes a ten-channel auto-search feature, which sim-
plifies access to Weather Channels when you are in an
unfamiliar location.
To receive Weather
Channels, press the
key (repeatedly, if nec-
essary) to select the
Weather Channel mode.
In the Weather Channel
mode, “WX” will appear
upper left corner of the
The VXA-710 will now
scan quickly though the
ten standard Weather Channels, and will stop on the
first active station found.
If there are two or more weather channels audible in
your area, you may select the alternate channel(s) by
pressing the PTT switch. Pressing the PTT switch re-
initiates the scanning process.
If there are no Weather
Channels in your area, the
scanner will not stop.
Press the MONITOR but-
ton to stop the scanner.
You can also select
Weather Channels manu-
ally by rotating the DIAL
selector knob.
To exit the Weather Channel mode, press the key
momentarily to return to the VFO mode.
Note 1: In the event of extreme weather disturbances, such
as storms and hurricanes, the NOAA (National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration) sends a weather alert ac-
companied by a 1050 Hz tone and subsequent weather
report on one of the NOAA weather channels. You may
setup the Alert function when receiving the Weather Alert
signal via Menu Item (6. Misc Setup, 3. WX Alert), if
Note 2: The Weather Channel mode memorizes the last
Weather Channel you have used, and will retain this infor-
mation until the radio is turned off.
WX 1
WX 2
WX 3
WX 4
WX 5
WX 6
WX 7
WX 8
WX 9
WX 10
162.5500 MHz
162.4000 MHz
162.4750 MHz
162.4250 MHz
162.4500 MHz
162.5000 MHz
162.5250 MHz
161.6500 MHz
161.7750 MHz
163.2750 MHz