RSSI SQL Full Scale <Wide> (S Full Scale W)
The Alignment for the RSSI Full Scale level at Wide (5k/
Noise SQL Tight <Narrow> (TI NSQ N)
The Alignment for the Noise SQL Tight level at Narrow
Noise SQL Threshold < Narrow > (TH NSQ N)
The Alignment for the Noise SQL Threshold level at Nar-
row (2.5k).
RSSI SQL Level 11 < Narrow > (RSSI SQL N)
The Alignment for the “level 11” of the RSSI SQL level at
Narrow (2.5k).
RSSI SQL Full Scale < Narrow > (S Full Scale N)
The Alignment for the RSSI Full Scale levle at Narrow
The procedure for all the alignment is as follows.
1. Press the “Start” button to start the alignment.
2. Set the signal generator according to the level indi-
cated, then press “OK”.
3. Press the “OK” button after finish the alignment, then
the data will be saved and the alignment is accom-
6. TX Power
Open the “Basic2” window, this parameter is to align the Transmit Output (Hi/Low) Power.
The factory default is as followings.
45 W nodel 25 W model
High 45 W 25 W
Low-High 25 W 12.5 W
Low-Middle 10 W 5 W
E-Low –– 1 W
The procedure for the alignments of the TX Power is fol-
1. Press the “Start” button to start the alignment then the
radio will transmit on the center frequency. The TX
Power Alignment window will open on the PC.
2. Set the value to get desired output power by left/right
arrow key, drag the slide bar by mouse or direct num-
ber input.
3. Press the “OK” button on the alignment window to
save the re-aligned value, the alignment of the TX
POWER is accomplished.