4. RX Sensitivity (RX Tune)
This parameter is to align the RX BPF (Band Pass Filter) for Rx sensitivity. It must be done both alignments of the “RX
VCO Tune Voltage” and “PLL Reference Frequency” before this alignment is going to start.
1. Press the “Start” button to start the alignment.
2. Set the Signal Generator according to the indication,
then press “OK”.
3. Repeat the procedure no.2 until the 3point alignment
is finished.
4. It will show the result of 3 points alignment and press
“OK” then the confirmation window will open.
5. Press “OK” to finish the RX Sensitivity alignment and
save the data.
5. Squelch (SQL)
This parameter is to align the SQL (Squelch) Sensitivity. The “RX VCO Tune Voltage”, “PLL Reference Frequency” and
“RX Sensitivity (RX Tune)” must be done before this alignment is started.
There are several alignments as follows in the Squelch Sensitivity.
Noise SQL Tight <Wide> (TI NSQ W)
The Alignment for the Noise SQL Tight level at Wide (5k/
Noise SQL Threshold <Wide> (TH NSQ W)
The Alignment for the Noise SQL Threshold level at Wide
RSSI SQL Level 11 <Wide> (RSSI SQL W)
The Alignment for the “level 11” of the RSSI SQL level at
Wide (5k/4k).
3. PLL Reference Frequency (Frequency)
This parameter is to align the reference frequency for PLL. The “TX VCO Tune Voltage” alignment must be done before
this alignment is going to start.
1. Press the “Start” button to start the alignment then the
radio will transmit on the center frequency. It will ap-
pear the Frequency Alignment window.
2. Set the value to get desired frequency by left/right ar-
row key, drag the slide bar by mouse or direct number
3. Press the “OK” button on the alignment window to
save the re-aligned value, the alignment of the PLL Ref-
erence Frequency is accomplished.