page 69MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Scanning Features
You can start scanning on the Main VFO by holding
the microphone UP or DWN button for ½ second (the
receiver squelch does not have to be closed in this
case). To increase the scan speed (x10) press either
the microphone FST button (momentary-type) or the
front panel
button. Scanning continues up or
down until a button is pushed, or else “loops-around”
when the upper or lower receiver limits are reached.
Scan speed is determined by the receiver “dwell
time” using menu selection 2-4. Dwell time is the dura-
tion that each channel is sampled for activity as the
receiver scans up or down and is adjustable from 1
msec (fast) to 100 msec (slowest). Try experimenting
with different durations until you reach the desired scan
The 99 memories in the MARK-V FT-1000MP of-
fer some choices regarding how they are scanned, and,
after the following brief description, you can decide how
to tailor scanning for your operating needs.
When receiving on a recalled memory (with “MEM”
displayed), you can scan all stored memories by just
holding the microphone DWN or UP button for ½-sec-
ond to start. If you want scanning to pause on signals,
you must first adjust the SQL control to silence the
receiver (green “MAIN BUSY” indicator off) on a clear
channel. Scanning pauses on any channel having a
signal strong enough to open the squelch, and the two
decimal points in the frequency display blink. You may
need to readjust the SQL control to prevent scanning
from stopping on only background noise. Scan speed
is not affected by the microphone or panel
tons, but is configured by menu selection 2-3. The
memory scanning “dwell time” is adjustable from 100
(fast) ~ 1000 msec (slow).
To stop scanning, press the PTT switch (no trans-
mission will occur), or a microphone button again.
When scanning, keep in mind that the IPO and ATT
selections also affect the squelch threshold by chang-
ing receiver front-end sensitivity.
By default, all programmed memories are included
for scanning. However, you can “flag” some of them to
be skipped while scanning. To do this, recall the
memory you want to be skipped, and hold either the
front panel or microphone
button while press-
momentarily so the “dash” between the
group number and memory channel number disap-
pears. If you have flagged a memory to be skipped,
and later want to enable it again, just repeat the
Auto Memory Write
While scanning the VFO or a retuned memory, you
can have the MARK-V FT-1000MP automatically
write active channels into memories for later recall
and scanning. As scanning pauses on activity,
frequncy information is written into available memo-
ries in Group 1, or all enabled groups, until full. You
can leave scanning unattended, if desired, then
return later to recall and check memories for atation
To enable this feature, recall memu selection 2-5,
and select GROUP 1, ALL GROUPS, or OFF. Fol-
low the procedures outlined for VFO Scanning,
Memory Tuning, and also review the descriptions
for Scan Resume Modes. Remember that for scan-
ning to stop on activity, the squelch must be closed.