page 37MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
Press the
button (to the left of
the main tuning knob) corresponding to the
mode you wish to operate - for now, we sug-
gest an SSB mode: USB if you have selected
a band above 10 MHz, or LSB otherwise.
The green LED in each button indicates the
selected band, and a pair of LEDs within the
bandwidth panel (to the left of the mode but-
tons) indicate which IF filter pair is currently
selected for that mode.
CW and RTTY have “reverse” modes
that are selected by pressing their button
twice (see the box at the right), and AM Synchronous
tuning is activated in the same manner. Also, Packet
operation can be toggled between LSB and FM (for 29
MHz operation) in the same way. These special fea-
tures are covered later.
Additionally, notice that the bargraph meter format
changes to the appropriate tuning display for the se-
lected mode (covered later).
If you have selected an SSB mode, the red LED in
button should be lit. If not, press
This bandwidth provides good fidelity for SSB recep-
tion and should be used unless QRM from stations on
adjacent frequencies becomes a problem (as described
Adjust the AF GAIN knob for
comfortable volume on signals or
noise in the loudspeaker or head-
phones. The small SUB AF knob
(to the under the AF GAIN knob)
is used with the Sub VFO opera-
tion and is explained in greater
detail later.
Special Note for CW Mode
(Reverse CW sideband)
When you switch modes between CW and USB,
you may notice that the frequency of received sig-
nal stays the same (even though the panel fre-
quency may change slightly). Also notice that the
pitch of a received signal decreases as you in-
crease the dial frequency.
However, switching to LSB from CW normally re-
quires retuning the desired station. This can be es-
pecially inconvenient if you enjoy working the lower
HF bands (40 meters and below) where LSB mode
is used.
To eliminate the need for retuning in this situation,
you may switch the receiver CW carrier oscillator
injection to the reverse side (LSB). When you press
button, you should notice that the green LED
in the USB mode button blinks for a second or two.
This informs you of the default carrier offset (up-
per) for CW. To switch to lower injection side, sim-
ply press the
button again; you will see the
displayed frequency shift and the LSB LED will
When using the reverse sideband (LSB) for CW
reception, you can freely switch between LSB and
CW without having to retune a station. Note that in
LSB and CW modes the received signal pitch now
increases as you increase the dial frequency.
To return the receiver to the default (upper) side-
band, simply press
Operating Hint - An added benefit from this fea-
ture is QRM rejection. If you have interference on
a CW station that the IF SHIFT does not easily
eliminate, you can try switching to the reverse side-
band, retuning the signal, and trying the IF SHIFT