
About phone
This menu allows you to manage your software updates and view various
information relating to your device.
Phone name: Tap to edit your phone name.
Software update: Allows you to check for Android system software
updates and other current information.
Network: Allows you to view your Network, Network type and strength,
Service state, Roaming state, Mobile network state, IP address, and IMS
registration status.
Status: Allows you to view your phone number, PRL Version, ERI version,
IMEI, IMEISV, ICCID, Rooting status and Last factory data reset.
Battery: Allows you to view Battery status, Battery level, and Battery use.
Hardware information: Allows you to view Model number, Up time,
Lifetime calls, Warranty Date Code, Hardware version, Wi-Fi MAC address
and Bluetooth address.
Software information: Allows you to view Android version, Baseband
version, Kernel version, Build number, and Software version.
Legal information: Allows you to view open source licenses and Google
legal information.
Patent information: Displays LG patent information.
Regulatory and Safety: Allows you to view the regulatory and safety