Then, export the key to a local file:
# gpg --armor --export 0x0EC4FE05 > bd-pack.key
For the rpm packages, you have to import the key into rpm key ring, using the next
# rpm --import bd-pack.key
When youwish to check arpm package, just issuea command similar tothe following.
You should get no error.
# rpm --checksig BitDefender-*.rpm
In case you are using the deb packages, you have to run only one command over the
deb files.
# dpkg-sig --verify BitDefender-*.deb
5.2.2. Test the self-extractable archive
To check the integrity of the self-extractable archive, you need to run the following
command and get the corresponding answer.
# ./BitDefender-scanner-{ver}.{os}.{arch}.run --check
Verifying archive integrity... MD5 checksums are OK. All good.
If you get a different answer, an error, please download the package again.
5.2.3. Test the FreeBSD tbz package
When installing the package downloaded from the BitDefender servers, you shoud
run md5sum onthe package and compare the outputwith the value from the md5sums
file. This file is located in the same directory you have downloaded the package from.
When installing from the ports collection, the integrity is automatically checked.
Package installation