viruses, to do antivirus research,to develop new technologies for monitoring all possible
ways to infect a system and, last but not least, to educate the IT&C public on the
danger of computer viruses.
BitDefender security solutions satisfy the protection requirements of today's business
environment, enabling management of all complex threats that endanger a network,
from a small local area to large multi-server, multi-platform WAN's.
Bucharest-based SOFTWIN is theleading provider of complex software solutions and
services in Romania.
SOFTWIN focuses on providing software solutions and services that enable fast
growing companies to solve critical business challenges and to capitalize on new
business opportunities.
SOFTWIN enables companies to focus on their core business and expand to new
markets, by outsourcing non-core activities.
SOFTWIN employs over 500 highly qualified professionals experiencedin developing
customized solutions and services.
Since its establishment in 1990, SOFTWIN's average annual revenue has increased
by +30%.
SOFTWIN has 4 divisions, which also define the company's main business lines:
• Customer Relationship Management
• Business Information Solutions
• eContent Solutions
• Data Security Solutions
SOFTWIN provides services and solutions to customers worldwide. Over 90% of the
company's turnover is achieved from exports to the US and European Union.
Using cutting edge technologies, SOFTWINsuccessfully developed over 500 software
development projects, over 3,500 content structuring projectsfor international partners,
having over 43 million data security solutions users in 80 countries worldwide and
more than 1,500,000 client calls handled annually for CRM services.
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