The TR1 LonWorks option supports two
standard objects and three SNVTs, per the
LonMark standard object philosophy. The
standard objects are the Node Object
(containing the Object request, Object status,
and Object alarm) and the Controller object,
(containing the network variables described in
the preceding sections). The Object request is
a LonMark device used to obtain status and
alarm information from a node.
It is not necessary for a controller to support
the Node Object network variables. The Object
request, Object status and Object alarm
provide status and alarm information for
controllers that only support this type of
functionality. The status and alarm functions
described in the preceding sections contain
more drive specific information than Object
status and Object alarm.
1. The TR1 sends an Object status
containing drive status information and
an Object alarm containing fault
information in response to the
following Object requests:
Network Variables for Node Object Support
The nviRequest.object_id should be set
to “1” (controller node). The network
uses nviRequest, nvoStatus and
nvoAlarm variables for these functions.
2. The TR1 sends an Object status
containing a bit map of supported
status fields in response to all other
Object requests, including undefined
3. The TR1 Object status supports the
following status fields: invalid_id,
out_of_service, electrical_fault,
comm_failure, manual_control, and
in_alarm. All other fields are always
set to “0.”
4. The TR1 sends an Object alarm
following any set or reset of a drive
fault condition.
5. The Object alarm supports the
AL_NO_CONDITION alarm types.
Function SNVT type Variable Name Input/Output
Object request SNVT_obj_request nviRequest Input
Object status SNVT_obj_status nvoStatus Output
Object alarm SNVT_alarm nvoAlarm Output