52 TRG-TRC016-EN
period two
Chilled-Water System Design
For simplicity of system control, all of the chillers in a primary-secondary
system should be selected to operate with the same leaving-water temperature
and with the same temperature difference (∆T). This allows all operating chillers
to be loaded to equal percentages.
Control of supply-water temperature is fairly simple. The set points of the
individual chillers are all equal to the desired system supply-water temperature.
Because water flows only through operating chillers, there is no water mixing in
the production loop, and the production loop supplies the water temperature
corresponding to the individual chiller set points.
Primary-Secondary System Rules
▲ The bypass pipe should be free of restrictions
▲ Load terminals should use two-way
modulating control valves
▲ All chillers should be selected for the same
leaving chilled-water temperature and ∆
Figure 58