104 TRG-TRC016-EN
period five
ARI Standards 550/590 and 560 are common industry standards used for rating
water chiller performance. ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1–1999, the energy
standard, contains minimum full-load and part-load chiller efficiency
requirements, as well as requirements for the design and operation of chilled-
water systems.
Period Two examined the methods of load-terminal control, including using
three-way modulating valves, two-way modulating valves, and face-and-bypass
dampers. We then examined several common system configurations, including
chillers piped in parallel, in series, and in a primary-secondary arrangement.
The majority of the time was spent discussing the design and operation of the
primary-secondary (or decoupled) chilled-water system. The primary-secondary
system eliminates many of the hydraulic problems associated with multiple-
chiller systems. It provides a reliable and energy-efficient supply of chilled
water, and its simplicity and flexibility make it easy to design, expand, and
Review—Period Two
secondary system
secondary system
▲ Load-terminal control
◆ Three-way valve
◆ Two-way valve
◆ Face-and-bypass
▲ Parallel configuration
▲ Series configuration
▲ Primary-secondary
Figure 113