48 Chiller System Design and Control SYS-APM001-EN
System Configurations
Distribution pumps take water from the supply water tee (point B in
Figure 29), push it through all the distribution piping and load terminals, and
then on to the return water tee (point A in Figure 29). This pump can (and
should) allow variable flow.
By itself, the distribution system is easy to understand. Figure 30 shows a
simplified distribution system consisting of multiple cooling coils, each
controlled by a valve that regulates the flow in its respective coil. In this case,
the flow control valves should not be three-way because a constant flow is
not desired. Instead, two-way modulating valves are used. As the aggregate
loads change system flow, a constant speed pump would “ride” its flow-rate
versus head-pressure relationship. This means that in response to the change
of flow required, the pump will find a new equilibrium point along its
operating curve (move from point A to point B in Figure 31).
Alternatively, multiple pumps or variable-speed pumps can be used to limit
the dynamic pumping head, similar to VAV fan control. Properly designed,
part-load pumping power can approach the theoretical cubic relationship to
flow, thus reducing energy consumption significantly. Today, most decoupled
systems use a variable-speed drive on the distribution pump, and it may be
required by the applicable energy code.
A common strategy for operating the variable speed pump is to adjust the
speed of the pump’s motor to create a sufficient differential pressure, P, a t
one or more critical points in the system, as shown in Figure 33. This
pressure difference tends to decrease when the air-handler control valves
open in response to increasing loads. To restore the P across the system,
the pump controller increases the speed of the pump. Conversely, when the
air-handler control valves close in response to decreased coil loads, the
pump controller slows the pump speed to maintain the target P.
Distribution-loop benefits of decoupled system arrangement
The distribution system benefits from the ability to accommodate load
diversity, the fact that system flow is variable, and (in a properly operating
system) the fact that return water is maintained at temperatures near design.
The last assumption is discussed further in “Low T syndrome” on page 79.
Load diversity. Not all chilled-water loads peak simultaneously. Therefore,
the quantity of water that flows at any one time is reduced from the “sum of
the peaks” load that would be required in a constant-flow distribution loop.
This presents the possibility of reducing chiller, pump, and pipe sizes
Variable flow. Because two-way control valves are used on the cooling coils,
only the water that the loads actually use is pumped. Most of the time, this
means a significantly reduced flow rate, accompanied by an even more
significant reduction in pumping energy.
Bypass Line
Figure 30. Distribution loop
Pump Curve
Figure 31. Example pump curve