22 Chiller System Design and Control SYS-APM001-EN
Application Considerations
but use it sparingly due to its lower efficiency. Or, a chiller may have a
different fuel source, used as a hedge against either high demand or high
energy consumption charges for other energy sources. (See “Alternative
Energy Sources” on page 82.) Some chilled-water systems have unequally
sized chillers, allowing fewer chillers to operate. (See “Unequal Chiller
Sizing” on page 78.)
Large Chilled-Water Systems
(6+ Chillers, District Cooling)
Figure 19. Large chilled-water system schematic
Large chilled-water systems with six or more chillers (Figure 19) have
different challenges than smaller systems. Examples of these types of
systems are commonly found on campuses with multiple buildings,
downtown districts, and mixed-use residential and commercial