Maintenance Procedures
7. When oil comes out of the flare fitting on the oil line shut off valve the filter is full.
Stop adding oil.
8. Put the cap on the flare on the oil line shut off valve, remove the charging hose
and put the cap back on the flare on the filter housing.
9. Vacuum the compressor (low side) and prepare it for inclusion in the system.
There is a service valve on the suction line and on the evaporator. Use these
valves to vacuum the compressor.
10. Open the oil line shut off valve. Severe damage to the compressor can result if
the oil line shut off valve is closed when the compressor is started.
Compressor Damage!
Catastrophic damage to the compressor will occur if the oil line shut off
valve or the isolation valves are left closed on unit start-up.
11. Open the other compressor isolation valves.
NOTE: This procedure assumes that the oil that is put into the filter housing does
not have contaminants such as non-condensable gases. The oil forces these gases
out of the filter and oil line shut off valve without the need to pull a vacuum on this
small volume. If the oil has been in an open container or is otherwise contaminated,
then this small volume must be subject to vacuum as well. However, the filter cavity
is full of oil. Therefore, be sure to use a flash tank in line with the vacuum pump to
make sure that oil, that is pulled out of the filter cavity, does not slug the vacuum
Evaporator tube replacement
The units were designed for installation of the tubes from the end of the evaporator
opposite the control panel end.
The following units will need to have the circuit 2 control panel removed to replace
tubes in the evaporator.
• 30' Base - 3 compressor units
• 36' Base - 3 compressor units
Evaporator Damage!
The tubes are rolled at both ends and in the center. When replacing
tubes, take care to ensure that the tube is removed and rolled into the
center tube sheet properly. Failure to do so could result in damage to the
tubes and improper operation of the system.
Compressor Replacement
If a compressor needs to be replaced follow the procedures listed below.
1. Isolate the refrigerant charge outside of the compressor and close all four valves
leading to the compressor. This includes the oil line service valve located on the
oil filter cover of the compressor, the valve on the oil return line from the evapora
tor, the discharge service valve, and the suction service valve. In the event that
the optional suction service valve was not ordered with the unit, insure that the
liquid line service valve is closed.