6B9 Evaporator Rfgt Drain -
Circuit 1
NA Latch This diagnostic is effective only with Remote Evap units. The liquid
level of the respective evaporator was not seen to be below the level of
-21.2 mm (0.83 in) within 5 minutes of the commanded opening of its
Drain Valve Solenoid. The diagnostic will not be active if the drain valve
is commanded closed.
6BA Evaporator Rfgt Drain -
Circuit 2
NA Latch Same as Evaporator Rfgt Drain - Circuit 1 Remote
ED Evaporator Water Flow Lost Immediate NonLatch a. The chilled water flow switch input was open for more than 6-10
contiguous seconds. b. This diagnostic does not de-energize the evap
pump output c. 6-10 seconds of contiguous flow shall clear this
diagnostic. d. Even though the pump times out in the STOP modes, this
diagnostic shall not be called out in the STOP modes. Note that this
diagnostic will not light the red diagnostic light on the Easy View
384 Evaporator Water Flow
Normal NonLatch Evaporator water flow was not proven within 4.25 minutes (RTAC Rev
20 and earlier) or 20 minutes (RTAC Rev 21) of the Chilled water pump
relay being energized. With SW Rev 17.0 and earlier, the diagnostic will
de-energize the Chilled Water Pump output. It will be re-energized if the
diagnostic clears with the return of flow and the chiller will be allowed
to restart normally (to accommodate external control of pump) With
SW Rev 18.0 and later, the pump command status will not be effected.
Note that this diagnostic will not light the red diagnostic light on the
EasyView display.
5C4 Excessive Loss of Comm Immediate Latch Loss of comm with 75% or more of the LLIDs configured for the
system has been detected. This diagnostic will suppress the callout of
all subsequent comm loss diagnostics. Check power supply(s) and
power disconnects - troubleshoot LLIDS buss using TechView
87 External Chilled Water
Info NonLatch a. Function Not "Enabled": no diagnostics. b. "Enabled ": Out-Of-Range
Low or Hi or bad LLID, set diagnostic, default CWS to next level of
priority (e.g. Front Panel SetPoint). This Info diagnostic will
automatically reset if the input returns to the normal range.
89 External Current Limit
Info NonLatch Same as External Chilled Water Setpoint Remote
1C6 High Differential Refrigerant
Pressure - Circuit 1
Normal Latch The system differential pressure for the respective circuit was above
275 Psid for 2 consecutive samples or more than 10 seconds.
1C7 High Differential Refrigerant
Pressure - Circuit 2
Normal Latch Same as High Differential Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 1 Remote
584 High Evaporator Liquid Level -
Circuit 1
Normal Latch The liquid level sensor is seen to be at or near its high end of range for
80 contiguous minutes while the compressor is running. (The
diagnostic timer will hold, but not clear when the circuit is off). Design:
80% or more of bit count corresponding to +21.2 mm or more liquid
level for 80 minutes)
5B7 High Evaporator Liquid Level -
Circuit 2
Normal Latch Same as High Evaporator Liquid Level - Circuit 1 .
6B8 High Evaporator Refrigerant
Immediate NonLatch The evaporator refrigerant pressure of either circuit has risen above 190
psig. The evaporator water pump relay will be de-energized to stop the
pump regardless of why the pump is running. The diagnostic will auto
reset and the pump will return to normal control when all of the
evaporator pressures fall below 185 psig. This diagnostic has severity
of Immediate because if an evaporator pressure reads high without
being invalid, the pump would be shut off but the chiller could keep
running. Evap water flow diagnostics are not active if the pump is
commanded off, only if the pump is commanded on but flow does not
occur as expected.
1DE High Oil Temperature -
Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch The respective oil temperature as supplied to the compressor,
exceeded 200°F for 2 consecutive samples or for over 10 seconds.
Note: As part of the Compressor High Temperature Limit Mode (aka
Minimum Limit), the running compressor's female load step will be
forced loaded when its oil temperature exceeds 190F and returned to
normal control when the oil temperature falls below 170°F.
1E0 High Oil Temperature -
Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Same as High Oil Temperature - Compressor 1A Remote
1DD High Oil Temperature -
Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Same as High Oil Temperature - Compressor 1A Remote
1DF High Oil Temperature -
Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Same as High Oil Temperature - Compressor 1A Remote
F5 High Pressure Cutout -
Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch A high pressure cutout was detected on Compressor 1A; trip at 315 ± 5
PSIG. Note: Other diagnostics that may occur as an expected
consequence of the HPC trip will be suppressed from annunciation.
These include Phase Loss, Power Loss, and Transition Complete Input
F6 High Pressure Cutout -
Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Same as High Pressure Cutout - Compressor 1A Local
Diagnostic Name
and Source
Severity Persis-
Criteria Reset