40 Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units • MUA-SVP01A-EN
SOLUTION: If OAT, RoomT or DAT are such that heat is required
1. Is the outside air temperature (OA Temp), displayed on the BACview remote,
reading 150°F or more?
– Yes. The outside air sensor circuit or the sensor itself is shorted.
Unplug the input jack from the AdaptAire controller. Did the display
change to -40°F or less?‘
– No. There is a short in the controller input. Replace the controller.
– Yes. Disconnect the sensor wiring at the sensor. Connect an ohmmeter
to the sensor. If it is shorted replace the sensor. At 70°F the resistance
should be 10K?. See thermistor output curve for other temperatures. If
it is not shorted, there is a short in the wiring between the sensor and
the input plug. Determine cause and rectify. Refer to Appendix II for a
typical 10K? thermistor output curve.
2. Is the outside air sensor in the direct sunlight?
– Yes. Provide shade for the sensor so the direct sun does not affect it.
– No. Contact factory.
SOLUTION: If setpoints are misadjusted
1. Is the Econmzr Setpoint set for 80°F?
– Yes. The outside air temperature is over 80°F and there should be no need
for heat. If this is not the case, contact factory.
– No. Increase the ECONMZR SP setpoint. See Heating Mode - Energy
Savings Mode 3 section of this manual for more information.
FAULT CODE:Insufficient OA
PROBLEM: The controller has turned off the burner enable output because the
percentage of outside air has dropped below 20% for more than five minutes,
and the unit is in the Heating mode.
SOLUTION:If heat is desired
1. Are the outside air hood filters or bird screen or any associated outside air
ductwork obstructed?
– Yes. Clear obstruction or change filters.
– No. Continue.
2. Are the outside air and return air dampers and actuators working properly?
– Yes. Continue.
– No. Make necessary adjustments and force the unit to recalibrate. See
Calibrate in the Resets Section of this manual.
3. Are the flow measuring station pitot tubes and pressure tubing clear?
– Yes. Continue.
– No. Clean and force the unit to recalibrate. See Calibrate in the Resets
Section of this manual.