MUA-SVP01A-EN • Direct-Fired Indoor and Outdoor Units 31
– No. Continue.
2. Is the burner enable relay energized?
– No. There is an open in the 24VAC circuit. Determine cause and rectify.
– Yes. Continue.
3. Is the burner enable relay's normally open contact closed?
– No. Replace relay.
– Yes. Continue.
4. Is there a pilot flame present?
– No. Refer to the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for
guidance in troubleshooting the flame relay or ignition module.
– Yes. Continue.
5. Is the flame relay or ignition module main valve terminal energized?
– No. Refer to the Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for
guidance in troubleshooting the flame relay or ignition module.
– Yes. Continue.
6. Is the gas valve/burner status relay energized?
– No. There is an open in the main valve control circuit. Determine cause
and rectify.
– Yes. Continue.
7. Is the gas valve/burner status relay's normally open contact closed?
– No. Replace relay.
– Yes. Continue.
8. Is there continuity at the controller between the burner status terminals?
– No. There is an open in the wiring between these terminals. Determine
cause and rectify.
– Yes. Replace controller.
FAULT CODE: Burner Hand
PROBLEM: The controller has not activated the burner enable output, but
the burner status input is receiving a signal that the burner is on.
SOLUTION:Inspect burner control circuit. This fault has the potential to
be a very serious problem. Close the manual gas valves immediately if
the fan is not running.
1. Is the controller's burner enable output LED lit?
– Yes. Close manual gas valves. There is a problem with the controller
program. Contact factory.
– No. Continue.