Icon Descriptions
BAYSENS019 Icon Descriptions
Refer to Figure I-P-9 for a pictorial view of
the written descriptions below.
1. The four periods of the day used only
during programming mode.
2. The seven days of the week used
during programming and in normal
mode to display the day (not current in
Program Menu).
3. Four digits used to display the time of
day in normal run mode. Also used in
Programming Menu and Temporary
manual Override Menu, and options
4. Time of day colon used on the time of
day clock. The colon blinks to indicate
the UCM system is functional.
5. AM and PM are used to indicate the
time of day when using a 12 hour clock.
AM and PM are not used when a 24
hour clock is selected.
6. DAYS and HOURS are used to set the
override timer period.
7. Displayed in temporary manual
OVERRIDE mode, and when setting the
override timer.
8. Only used when setting the override
Figure I-P-9. BAYSENS019 complete icon display.
9. Displays the desired state of either
10. The padlock symbol indicates that the
keyboard lockout is in effect.
11. This extends the mode selection box
in order to accommodate the
emergency heat mode on the ZSM heat
pump version.
12. Fan mode selection box.
13. Displayed in normal run mode when
displaying the actual room
14. Displayed in option setting mode only.
15. Digits used to display temperature.
16. HEAT and COOL have two functions:
they indicate UCM status in normal run
mode and indicate which type of
setpoint is DESIRED during
programming and override setting.
17. Only used during programming and
override setting to indicate the
DESIRED setpoint temperature.
18. Flashes when check filter timer is
19. Flashing cooling fail status indicator.
20. Only used during UCP self-test mode.
21. Flashing service status indicator and
fan failure.
22. Flashing heating fail status indicator.
23. Operating MODE selection box.