Table I-DW-1. Unit Weights, English - SCWG/SCRG/SIWG/SIRG
2-Row 4-Row
Unit Base Airside Waterside Waterside Heating
Size Weight Economizer Economizer Economizer Coil Box
lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs.
SCWG/SIWG 20 2620 273 488 584 460
25 2730 273 488 584 460
30 2864 273 488 584 460
35 3000 273 488 584 460
SCRG/SIRG 20 2344 273 488 584 460
25 2479 273 488 584 460
32 2614 273 488 584 460
1. All unit weights include refrigerant, water, inlet guide vanes and controllers, electric heat and valves.
2. Add 150 lbs. to total weight to obtain approximate shipping weight.
3. Flexible horizontal discharge plenum option weights:
Standard height plenum = 352 lbs.
Low height plenum = 262 lbs.
4. VFD weights are on pages 28 and 30.
Table I-DW-2. Unit Weights, Metric - SCWG//SIWG/SCRG/SIRG
2-Row 4-Row
Unit Base Airside Waterside Waterside Heating
Size Weight Economizer Economizer Economizer Coil Box
Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg
SCWG/SIWG 20 1365 195 65 155 210
25 1400 195 65 155 210
30 1500 225 85 175 210
35 1640 225 130 230 210
SCRG/SIRG 20 1325 195 65 155 210
25 1425 225 85 175 210
32 1530 225 130 230 210
1. All unit weights include refrigerant, water, inlet guide vanes and controllers, electric heat and valves.
2. Add 68 kg. to total weight to obtain approximate shipping weight.
3. Flexible horizontal discharge plenum option weights:
Standard height plenum = 160 kg
Low height plenum = 119 kg
4. VFD weights are on pages 28 and 30.
and Weights