Section 7. Conguring Interfaces
This section contains the following topics:
Conguring Ports
Conguring LAGs
Conguring VLANs
7.1 Conguring Ports
The Interface Conguration Page contains elds for dening port parameters.
To dene port parameters:
1. Click System > Bridging Cong > Interface > Interface Conguration. The Interface Conguration Page opens:
Figure 65: Interface Conguration Page
The Interface Configuration Page is divided into the
following sections:
Interface Conguration Ports Table
Interface Conguration LAG Ports Table
The Interface Configuration Ports Table contains the
following elds:
Interface — Displays the port number.
Port Status — Indicates whether the port is currently
operational or non-operational. The possible eld values are:
– Up — Indicates the port is currently operating.
– Down — Indicates the port is currently not operating.
Port Speed — Displays the configured rate for the port. The port type determines what speed setting options are
available. Port speeds can only be congured when auto negotiation is disabled. The possible eld values are:
– 10 — Indicates the port is currently operating at 10 Mbps.
– 100 — Indicates the port is currently operating at 100 Mbps.
– 1000 — Indicates the port is currently operating at 1000 Mbps.
Duplex Mode — Displays the port duplex mode. This eld is congurable only when auto negotiation is disabled,
and the port speed is set to 10M or 100M. This eld cannot be congured on LAGs. The possible eld
values are:
– Full — The interface supports transmission between the device and its link partner in both directions simultaneously.
– Half — The interface supports transmission between the device and the client in only one direction at a time.
Auto Negotiation — Displays the auto negotiation status on the port. Auto negotiation is a protocol between two link
partners that enables a port to advertise its transmission rate, duplex mode, and ow control abilities to its partner.
Advertisement — Denes the auto negotiation setting the port advertises. The possible eld values are:
– Max Capability — Indicates that all port speeds and duplex mode settings are accepted.
– 10 Half — Indicates that the port advertises for a 10 Mbps speed port and half duplex mode setting.
– 10 Full — Indicates that the port advertises for a 10 Mbps speed port and full duplex mode setting.
– 100 Half — Indicates that the port advertises for a 100 Mbps speed port and half duplex mode setting.
– 100 Full — Indicates that the port advertises for a 100 Mbps speed port and full duplex mode setting.
– 1000 Full — Indicates that the port advertises for a 1000 Mbps speed port and full duplex mode setting.