Figure 57: DHCP Page
The DHCP Page contains the following elds:
Interface — Displays the IP address of the interface
which is connected to the DHCP server.
Host Name — Displays the system name.
Remove — Removes DHCP interfaces. The possible
eld values are:
– Checked — Removes the selected DHCP interface.
– Unchecked — Maintains the DHCP interfaces.
2. Click . The Add IP Interface Page page opens:
Figure 58: Add IP Interface Page
3. Select the Interface (Port, LAG or VLAN).
4. Enter the Host Name.
5. Click
. The new interface is added to DHCP,
and the device is updated.
To remove the DHCP denition:
Click the Remove checkbox. The current DHCP denition is removed and system information is updated.
6.1.4 Dening ARP
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) converts IP addresses into physical addresses, and maps the IP address to a MAC
address. ARP allows a host to communicate with other hosts only when the IP address of its neighbors is known.
To dene ARP:
1. Click System > System Info > IP Conguration > IP Addressing > ARP. The ARP Page opens:
Figure 59: ARP Page
The ARP Page contains the following elds:
ARP Entry Age Out — Species the amount of time
(in seconds) that passes between ARP Table entry.
requests. Following the ARP Entry Age period, the entry
is deleted from the table. The range is 1 - 40000000.
The default value is 60000 seconds.
Clear ARP Table Entries — Specifies the types of
ARP entries that are cleared. The possible values are:
– None — Maintains the ARP entries.
– All — Clears all ARP entries.
– Dynamic — Clears only dynamic ARP entries.
– Static — Clears only static ARP entries.
Interface — Displays the interface type for ARP parameters. The possible eld values are:
– Port — Indicates the port for which ARP parameters are dened.
– LAG — Indicates the LAG for which ARP parameters are dened.
– VLAN — Indicates the VLAN for which ARP parameters are dened.