T1500-28PCT(config)# access-list extended 220 rule 11 permit sip smask
access-list combined
The acce ss-list combined command is used to add a Combined ACL rule. The
filtering conditions include the source MAC addresses, destination MAC
addresses, source IP addresses and destination IP addresses carried in the
packets. To delete the corresponding rule, please use no access-list
combined command.
access-list combined acl-id rule rule-id { deny | permit } [[ smac source-mac ]
smask source-mac-mask ] [[ dmac destination-mac ] dmask
destination-mac-mask ] [[ sip source-ip ] sip-mask source-ip-mask ] [[ dip
destination-ip ] dip-mask destination-ip-mask ]
no access-list combined acl-id rule rule-id
acl-id——The desired Combined ACL for configuration.
rule-id —— The rule ID.
deny —— The operation to discard packets.
permit ——The operation to forward packets. It is the default value.
source-mac —— The source MAC address contained in the rule.
source-mac-mask —— The source MAC address mask. It is required if you
typed the source MAC address.
destination-mac —— The destination MAC address contained in the rule.
destination-mac-mask —— The destination MAC address mask. It is required if
you typed the destination MAC address.
source-ip —— The source IP address contained in the rule.
source-ip-mask —— The source IP address mask. It is required if you typed the
source IP address.
destination-ip —— The destination IP address contained in the rule.
destination-ip-mask —— The destination IP address mask. It is required if you
typed the destination IP address.