qos cos
no qos cos
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
User Guidelines
IEEE 802.1P gives the Pri field in IEEE 802.1Q tag a recommended definition.
When the mapping relation between IEEE 802.1P Priority and TC egress queue
is enabled, the data will be classified into the egress queue based on this
mapping relation.
Enable the mapping relation between IEEE 802.1P Priority and egress queue:
T1500-28PCT(config)# qos cos
qos dscp
The qos dscp command is used to enable the mapping relation between DSCP
Priority and TC egress queue. To disable the mapping relation, please use no
qos dscp command.
qos dscp
no qos dscp
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
User Guidelines
DSCP (DiffServ Code Point) is a new definition to IP ToS field given by IEEE.
DSCP priorities are mapped to the corresponding TC egress queue. IP
datagram will be classified into the egress queue based on the mapping relation
between DSCP priority and TC egress queue.
Enable the mapping relation between DSCP Priority and TC egress queue:
T1500-28PCT(config)# qos dscp