Rev. B
Workman 200 Spray System Page 3.1 -- 13 Sonic Boom System (Optional Kit)
Boom Level Changed by Operator During Automatic Operation
During sprayer operation with the sonic boom switch in
the automatic position (sonic boom light is illuminated),
the boom mounted sonic boom sensors continually
send impulsesignals andthen receiveechos as thesig-
nals bounce off the turf. The electronic control unit
(ECU) determines the sensor distance from the ground
basedon thetimebetweenthe sensor signalgeneration
and the r eceived echo. As long as the sensor height re-
mains the same as the calibrated height, the spray
boom will remain at a fixed distance from the ground for
spraying accuracy.
If the sprayer operator should press a boom actuator
switch while in automatic operation, the ECU energizes
the necessary power switch relay and H--bridge relays
to raise or lower the appropriate boom. The energized
relay(s) provides a current path to the requested boom
actuator to raise or lower the boom. The boom actuator
will stay energized as long as the operator keeps the
boom actuatorswitch pressed.The sonicboom lightwill
flash as long as the boom actuator switch is pressed.
Ifa boomis raisedby theoperator whilethe SonicBoom
System is in automatic operation, the boom will remain
in the raised position until it is lowered halfway with the
boom actuator switch to re--engage automatic sonic
boom operation. If one boom is moved by the operator,
the other boom continues to function automatically.