Workman 200 Ultra Sonic Boom System (Rev. C)Page 3.2 -- 31
Toro Electronic Controller (TEC)
The Ultra Sonic Boom System uses the Toro Electronic
Controller (TEC) to control electrical system operation.
The TEC isattached to a mounting plateunder the dash
panel (Fig. 24).
Power is provided to the TEC when the vehicle ignition
switchisON. A2Ampfuse providescircuitprotectionfor
this logicp ower to theTEC. The fuseis locatedin theUl-
tra Sonic Boom System fuse block under the dash pan-
The TEC monitors the states of the following compo-
nentsasinputs: thesonic boomswitch, thetwo (2)boom
lift switches, the two (2) sonic boom sensors and the
diagnostic shunt wires.
The TEC controls electrical output to the sonic boom
light,thediagnosticlamp, thefour (4)relaysusedtocon-
trol the sonic boom system and the two (2) sonic boom
sensors. Circuit protection for the TEC outputs is pro-
vided by three (3) 7.5 Amp fuses located in the Ultra
Sonic Boom System fuse block.
Testing ofthe TEC inputs andoutputs can becompleted
with the use of the Diagnostic Display (see the Special
Tools and Troubleshooting sections of this chapter).
Because of the solid state circuitry built into the TEC,
damaged ifan attempt ismadeto tes tit withan electrical
test device (e.g. digital multimeter or test light).
IMPORTANT: Before performing welding on the ma-
chine, disconnect both cables from the battery and
disconnect wire harness connector from the TEC.
These steps will prevent damage to the machine
electrical system.
1. Dash panel 2. TEC controller
Figure 24
Figure 25
1. Mount plate
2. U--bolt clamp (2 used)
3. TEC controller
4. Nut (4 used)
5. Cap screw (4 used)
Ultra Sonic
Boom System