
Chapter 10: Matrices 235
matrixA=matrixB returns 1 if every comparison is true; it returns 0 if any comparison is
matrixAƒmatrixB returns 1 if at least one comparison is false; it returns 0 if no comparison
is false.
iPart(, fPart(, int(
iPart(, fPart(, int(iPart(, fPart(, int(
iPart(, fPart(, int(
iPart( (integer part), fPart( (fractional part), and int( (greatest integer) are on the
MATH NUM menu.
iPart( returns a matrix containing the integer part of each element of matrix.
fPart( returns a matrix containing the fractional part of each element of matrix.
int( returns a matrix containing the greatest integer of each element of matrix.