
Chapter 9: Split Screen 216
Press s or r.
Select a ZOOM or CALC operation.
To use the bottom half of the split screen:
Press any key or key combination that displays the home screen.
Press o (Y= editor).
Press … Í (stat list editor).
Press p (window editor).
Press y 0 (table editor).
Full Screens in Horiz Mode
Full Screens in Horiz ModeFull Screens in Horiz Mode
Full Screens in Horiz Mode
All other screens are displayed as full screens in
Horiz split-screen mode.
To return to the
Horiz split screen from a full screen when in Horiz mode, press any key
or key combination that displays the graph, home screen, Y= editor, stat list editor,
window editor, or table editor.
G-T (Graph-Table) Split Screen
G-T (Graph-Table) Split ScreenG-T (Graph-Table) Split Screen
G-T (Graph-Table) Split Screen
G-T Mode
G-T ModeG-T Mode
G-T Mode
G-T (graph-table) split-screen mode, a vertical line splits the screen into left and right