Getting Started 3-11
Getting Started
Sync Dialing from an IBM AS 400
The modem can be configured to operate as a synchronous originate modem
with the IBM AS 400. The AS 400 supports switched operation with call
origination via a V.25bis-compliant call establishment driver. In this type of
application, the modem is driven by the APPC/APPN bit-synchronous protocol.
Where Do I Go from Here?
For more information on using the modem with an IBM AS 400, refer to:
• Chapter 4 for configuration instructions.
• Chapter 3, Automatic Calling Interfaces, in the 326X Series Modem
Reference Guide for details on bit-synchronous protocol frame formats and the
V.25bis protocol.
External Auto-Call Units
The modem can be used with applications that support external dialers, such as
the Bell 801C. Once an external dialer establishes a call, it passes control of the
dial line to the modem by the MI/MIC control leads on the DIAL LINE
connector. NOTE: This type of application is supported in Canada and the
U.S.A. only.
Where Do I Go from Here?
For more information on external call units, refer to Chapter 3, Automatic
Calling Interfaces, in the 326X Series Modem Reference Guide.