A-40 Configuration Quick Reference
@ Quiet
Makes the modem look for one or more ringbacks (followed by
five seconds of silence) within the delay time specified by Call
Timeout. If five seconds of delay silence is detected, the modem
continues to dial the string. If the line is busy, the modem hangs up
and sends a BUSY message to the DTE. If the modem does not
detect delay silence or a busy signal, the modem hangs up and the
screen displays NO ANSWER.
R Reverse Must be the last character in the dial string before a carriage return.
The R modifier makes the modem originate the call in answer
mode and is used to dial an originate-only modem. Immediately
after the dial command is processed, an answer-back tone is
generated and the modem attempts to complete the connection for
the length of time specified by Call Time-out.
Makes the modem disconnect from the dial line. This must be the
last modifier in the dial string, and must also be preceded by a
semicolon. If this modifier is not preceded by a semicolon, it is
ignored by the modem. The modifier can be entered through the
front panel, the AT ACU, or network manager.
. (period)
- (dash)
( ) paren-
These characters do not act as modifiers. They are presentation
characters that are ignored.
Table A-4.
Dial Modifiers (Continued)
Modifier Function Description