B. Fault Codes
MagnaStar faults are logged in the Air Radio (ARTU) and are displayed
on the handset as a fault code number. The faults and their associated
display codes are listed below:
Fault Code Description
Fault Code 001 Non-recoverable transceiver fault
Fault Code 002 Over-temperature
Fault Code 004 Synthesizer malfunction
Fault Code 008 OCXO malfunction
Fault Code 016 820 MHz oscillator malfunction
Fault Code 032 20.48 MHz oscillator malfunction
Fault Code 064 Processor fault
Fault Code 128 Load fault
Fault Code 301 Non-recoverable pilot receiver fault
If two or more faults occur at the same time, the handset will display
the sum of the codes; i.e. if the synthesizer unlocked fault and the
OXCO oven failure both occur, then the fault code would read “Fault
Code 012” (8 + 4 = 12).
As long as a fault code is displayed on the MagnaStar handset, the
system will not be fully functional (some functions, such as Inplane
or Satcom calling may still work). Non-recoverable faults (fault codes
that are odd numbers) require that the ARTU power be cycled off for
greater than 15 seconds and then powered back on in order for the
fault to be cleared. Recoverable faults (fault codes that are even num-
bers) may clear themselves a few minutes after hanging up all hand-
sets. If the fault does not clear itself, then cycling the power off for
greater than 15 seconds may still be necessary. If the fault codes can-
not be cleared, the ARTU is defective and needs to be replaced. Please
call 1-888-246-STAR (7827) to order your replacement ARTU.