
C2. Placing a Call via the CPI
Auto Link Switch Enabled - To place a call using a Cell Phone
Interface (CPI) with Auto Link Switch enabled is no different than
using the Air-Ground link. Place the handset off hook and press 1
for voice, 3for Fax or 4for Modem. Dial the ten (10) digit phone
number of the party you are trying to reach. If the MagnaStar system
is unable to see a usable ground station within range it will auto link
switch the call to the Cell Phone Interface unit.
NOTE: Auto Link Switch must be enabled prior to the call attempt
(see Section VI, D2)
Auto Link Switch Disabled - If Auto Link Switch is not enabled you
may manually select the GroundCelllink. To select the link press the
6key until GroundCell is displayed on the top of the Main
menu in inverse video. Press 1for voice, 3for Fax or 4for
Modem and dial the ten digit telephone number you wish to reach.
NOTE 1: The Cell Phone Interface (CPI) takes input from the Weight On Wheels
switch. On take off the cellular link will be disabled.
NOTE 2: Credit Billing is not applicable to GroundCell calls.
(Rev. 8/04)