
Flue Gas Analysis System General Information
Analytical Instruments
Next, the gas and water mixture enter the pump. The pump contains
no valves or packing and will handle the dirtiest of samples without any
detrimental effect
Exiting the pump under positive pressure, the sample mixture is
forced through a mixer which contains a series of baffles which function to
thoroughly scrub the sample gas.
At the next stage of conditioning, the sample solution enters a separa-
tor where water is gravitated to drainage. The scrubbed flue gas sample
then exits the separator through a sample outlet and enters a filter-conden-
sate trap for final removal of particulates and water before undergoing
The sample gas stream, having passed the final filtration trap, flows
into a tee. Here, the stream is divided with most of the sample gas being
vented to atmosphere, while the balance is routed to the oxygen analyzer
section. Total flow rate is approximately 20 to 30 SCFH. A back pressure
control valve is adjusted to permit proper flow past the oxygen analyzer
sensor where the percentage of oxygen concentration in the flue gas sample
is determined and displayed on the oxygen analyzer meter.
Following oxygen analysis, the sample passes to the combustible
analysis section.
Figure 2: Sample Conditioning