Flue Gas Analysis System Maintenance & Troubleshooting 5
Analytical Instruments
Maintenance & Troubleshooting
5.1 Maintenance
5.1.1 Routine Maintenance
No moving parts other than the meter movement and the relay con-
tacts are contained in the analyzers. Periodic service, therefore, other than
oxygen cell replacement, is not required. The periodic calibration con-
tained in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 should be adequate to keep the analyzers
functioning. If troubles develop, refer to the trouble shooting procedures
contained in Section 6.
5.1.2 Oxygen Cell Replacement
When the Micro-Fuel Cell nears the end of its useful life, sensitivity
will decline very rapidly. The initial response to this phenomenon will be
recalibration of the analyzer. If many turns of the SPAN control are re-
quired to recalibrate the instrument, or more commonly, the control does
not have sufficient range to recalibrate the analyzer, a new Micro-Fuel Cell
will be required.
Wipe off contact pins (P/N A-6544) in the probe assembly with a
clean tissue before installing the new cell. If, after long service, the contact
pins become pitted or worn, they may be replaced by unscrewing the hold-
down plate.
To offset the possibility of not having a replacement cell available
when it is needed, TBE/AI recommends that a spare cell be ordered shortly
after the instrument is placed in service, and each time the cell is replaced