
APIcom Instruction Manual Introduction
05499 Rev. A 1-2
Supports the new iDAS SDEV sampling mode.
Lengthy data downloads from the iDAS can now be aborted using a “Cancel” button to the iDAS
dialog to abort lengthy data downloads.
APIcom now supports “total flow rate” specification for the M700 (M700 software revisions F.3 and
later), as well as Generate, GPT, and GPT-preset steps.
Support for the TMS Terminus and TMS modules via the terminus, but not standalone TMS
The Instrument Information dialog (see section 6.1) has been enhanced to show the instrument’s
software part number, whether the instrument’s iDAS has the new SDEV mode, and whether the
target instrument supports the “Download Cancel” feature.
The default file type when saving data downloaded from the iDAS has been changed to “.CSV”.
This was done to better support users that analyze data with Excel.
Online help is now a Portable Document File (.pdf) that can also be used for printing the manual.
1.3. Supported Instruments
Since APIcom uses standard commands that are built into all API instruments, it will work with all API
microprocessor-based instruments. However, APIcom works much better with AMX instruments and all
E-series instruments because of the higher baud rates supported by these models.
When connecting to older instruments operating at 2400 baud, it takes nearly one second for APIcom to
transmit a button press and receive the display contents. When connecting to AMX instruments
operating at 19,200 baud, the same action will appear instantaneously.
Some of the iDAS functionality is supported only by newer revisions of firmware. Please refer to the
tables in Appendix A to find out if your instrument’s firmware revision is supported. Consult our sales
department or the APIcom website to find out if and how it can be upgraded to support that functionality:
The basic front-panel functionality is supported by all our analyzers.
1.4. System Requirements
APIcom runs only on 32-bit Windows operating systems (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP). Do not
attempt to run the program on Windows 3.1.
APIcom requires 4–20 MB of RAM during normal operation, 5 MB of disk space for installation, and
more disk space for storing iDAS data and scripts.
Some versions of Windows 95 and NT4 may not have the correct common user interface dynamic link
libraries that APIcom requires in order to display checkboxes in the iDAS configuration tree. These
checkboxes make it convenient to select iDAS channels and parameters to download iDAS data from.
See Section 4.6 for a work-around solution.
The problem can be corrected by installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. Please point your
internet browser to this location to see the latest updates: http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/
1.5. Typographic Conventions Used in this Manual
All of the examples used in this manual refer to specific instruments and sites. Keep in mind that names
of instruments and sites will be different from those of the user.
In this manual, names of push buttons on the actual instrument front panel are indicated using bold
capital characters, for example, SETUP. Push button sequences are denoted by a series of button
names, separated by dashes, such as SETUP-MORE-COMM-BAUD.
APIcom menus are depicted in bold, as in File-New. Buttons in dialog boxes and on the toolbar are
shown as bitmap images, like this: