APIcom Instruction Manual Advanced Features
Field Description
Has AMX Yes = has AMX operating system.
No = has older operating system.
Has DAS Yes = Has DAS.
No = Does not have DAS.
Has New DAS Yes = Has DAS from standard library revision 3.0 that is flash-friendly and much
No = Earlier DAS.
Has DAS Hex
Yes = DAS supports HEX option to download records in compressed hex
format. This is faster and more reliable than text format.
No = DAS supports downloading records only in text format.
Has DAS From/To
Yes = DAS supports FROM/TO options to download records by date/time.
No = DAS doesn’t have these options. Download by date/time range is still
supported, but has to be done by APIcom on the host computer rather than in
the instrument.
Has DAS Records
Yes = DAS supports RECORDS option for requesting most recent records.
No = DAS lacks this option.
Has DAS Script
Yes = DAS supports SCRIPT option for downloading and uploading DAS
configuration. Necessary for APIcom to support DAS configuration.
No = APIcom lacks this option. APIcom can still download the configuration and
data even if the instrument lacks this option.
Yes = DAS has EVENT and PARAMETER commands for requesting lists of
events and parameters in instrument. Necessary for APIcom to support DAS
No = APIcom lacks these commands. APIcom can still download the
configuration and data even if the instrument lacks these commands.
Has DAS Standard
Deviation Mode
This sampling mode emulates the stability test measurement present in most
instruments, but extends it to all data points and is simply the standard deviation
of the samples taken during the report interval.
Has Calibrator
Script Command
Yes = Calibrator supports SCRIPT option for downloading and uploading
sequence configuration. Necessary for APIcom to support sequence
No = APIcom lacks these commands. APIcom cannot download or modify the
sequence configuration if the instrument lacks this option.
Has Calibrator
Duration Command
Yes = Calibrator uses the new DURATION step name.
No = Calibrator uses the old DELAY step name.
Has Calibrator
Level Command
Yes = Calibrator supports extensions that include the LEVEL command.
No = Calibrator doesn’t support these extensions.
Has Keyboard
Slash Command
Yes = Instrument uses newer style commands for “pressing” keys and getting
the display contents.
No = Instrument uses very old style commands.
05499 Rev. A 6-2