Teledyne API Model 200A NO
Analyzer Instruction Manual, 02246, Rev. G, DCN 5247
Communication Protocols
The RS-232 port can communicate in the following protocols.
1. Teledyne API protocol – some of the features of this protocol are covered in Section 5.5.2. A
comprehensive m
anual is available separately as p/n 01350 RS-232 Programming Notes.
2. Alternate protocol – this protocol is used for communicating on proprietary networks.
3. Multidrop protocol – used for communication with multiple Teledyne API instruments on a
single RS-232 line. A manual is available separately as Teledyne API p/n 01842 Multidrop
Programming Manual.
Communication with a modem
If this bit is set, the instrument will send a setup string out the RS-232 port at power-up. The
string correctly sets up a US Robotics Sportster Modem. No other brands of modem are
supported at this time.
RS-232 Line Errors
Allows the software to ignore certain errors involving the computation of parity.
Enable Command prompt
Setting this bit causes instrument to issue a command prompt after each command output. Useful
when operating in Terminal Mode.
5.5.2 Command Summary
The information contained in the rest of this section covers commonly used commands that are
required to operate the instrument from a remote terminal. If you are going to be writing
computer programs to communicate with the M200A (i.e. operating the port in COMPUTER
MODE) we suggest that you order a supplementary manual "The RS-232 Interface", Teledyne
API part number 01350. This manual describes additional features of the port.
The Teledyne API RS-232 interface includes multidrop capability, to permit the connection of
more than one analyzer to a single RS-232 line. To identify each Analyzer, an optional ID
number is permitted for all commands. If you don’t include the ID number in the command, all
of the instruments connected to the RS-232 interface will respond. If you include the ID number
in the command, only the instrument whose ID number matches will execute the command.