Operating Procedures
Model 632
If blades are in goodcondition, install the scraper blade
clips on the scraper blades. Place the rear scraper
blade over the rear holding pin on the beater (knife
edge to the outside). Holding the rear blade on the
beater, slide the assembly into the freezing cylinder
halfway, tail end first. Install the front s craper blade
over the front holding pin. Slide the beater assembly
completely into the freezing cylinder.
Figure 2 2
Step 3
Install the draw valve. Slide the two o--rings into the
grooves on the draw valve and lubricate the bottom 1/2
of the valve.
Figure 2 3
Lubricate the inside of the freezer door spout, top and
bottom, and insert the draw valve into the freezer door
from the top. It will be necessary to rotate the draw
valve to the right when assembling the door to the
Figure 2 4
Step 4
Install the freezer door. Place the freezer door gasket
into the groove o n the back of the freezer door . Slide
the front bearing over the baffle rod so the flanged
edge is against the door. DO NOT LUBRICATE THE
Figure 2 5
Insert the baffle rod through the beater in the freezing
cylinder. With the door seated on the freezer studs,
install the stud nuts. Tighten equally in a criss--cross
pattern to insure the door is snug.
Figure 2 6