Important: To the Operator
Model 632
Section 5 Important: To the Operator
Item Description
1 Power Switch
2 Mix Low Indicator Light
3 Mix (Hopper Refrigeration)
4 Standby
5 Wash
6 Auto
7 Thermistor Control
8 Adjustable Draw Handle
9 Reset Button
Power Switch
When placed in the ON position, the power switch
allows SOFTECH control panel operation.
Indicator Light -- Mi x low
Located on the front of the machine is a mix level
indicating light. When the light is flashing, it indicates
that the mix hopper has a low supply of mix and should
be refilled a s s oon as possible. A lways maintain at
least 3” (76 mm) of mix in the hopper. If you neglect to
add mix, a freeze--up may occur. This will cause
eventual damage to the beater, blades, drive shaft,
and freezer door.