
Delta User’s Manual
As a first example, look over the Table of Contents and you’ll
see what we mean, Whether you’re a greenhorn or a wizard, ev-
erybody will find what they need to know to fulfill their expecta-
tions. We suggest that each new owner/user, before you even
unpack the box, read or at least scan Chapters 1 and 2 - “A Closer
Look” and “Getting Started with Delta” - as well as Appendix A,
“Unpacking and Installation.”
Now you can unpack the box and
start putting things together.
When you’re ready to connect up your computer to your
Delta, look at Appendices B through G for directions applying to
your make of computer. Remember, Delta has both serial and par-
allel interfaces, so there’s nothing extra to buy!
Which leads naturally to a few words of praise for some other
special features that make the new Delta so satisfactory to own.
Features like the high speed leOcharacter per second printout,
the capability to design your own characters, do your own plot-
ting, your own infinite variety of dot graphics patterns and densi-
ties. You’ll have a ball! For you, Chapters 3 through 8 are a must,
and of course everybody should look at Chapter 10 which tells
how to maintain your Delta for a long and carefree life.
We’ll end this as we began, with congratulations for your wise
buying, and a most cordial welcome to the wonderful world of
Delta printing. . . fast, clean and beautiful!