
Delta User’s Manual
630 DATA 11,64,0,96,1,48,15,48,15,16,15,0
640 ' SIX
650 DATA 11,0,96,0,112,0,=0,0,92,0,102,0
660 DATA 11,98,0,98,0,98,0,70,0,~4,0,6
670 DATA 11,7,8,23,8,55,8,99,0,65,0,64
680 DATA 11,0,96,0,112,1,62,1,30,1,14,0
690 ' SEVEN
700 DATA 11,0,16,8,6,8,6,8,6,8,6,8
710 DATA 9,70,8,102,8,54,8,6,0,2,0,0
720 DATA 11,0,64,0,96,0,120,0,124,0,30,1
730 DATA 9,6,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
740 ' EIGHT
750 DATA 11,0,0,0,0,24,36,24,102,24,102,0
760 DATA ii,67,0,67,0,99,28,34,28,34,28,0
770 DATA 11,12,18,4~+,19,108,19,96,1,64,0,64
780 DATA 11,0,96,:, 112,15,48,15,16,14,0,0
790 ' NINE
800 DATA 11,0,0,120,4,120,6,120,6,0,3,0
810 DATA 11,3,0,3,0,67,4,123,4,122,4,120
820 DATA 11,48,0,56,0,113,0,99,0,99,0,99
830 DATA 11,0,115,0,57,0,31,0,15,0,7,0
840 ' SPACE
850 DATA 11,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Figure T-17. The output for characters like this must be carefully planned.
Mixing Print Modes with Download
It’s possible to get even more printing effects by combining
download characters with the various print modes available with
Delta. Most of the commands that you learned in Chapter 3 work
with normal width download characters as well as standard char-
acters. A few of them will work with proportional download char-
acters as well. Table 7-3 summarizes the various print modes and
their compatibility with download characters.