Key Type Value Description
default = false
Results B true = synchronize remote results
Do not capture another frame until the
controller sends a :RDR? command and
reads the response data.
false = normal operation
default = false
A.5.4.23 WLD? - read current frame boundaries
This command returns the boundaries of the current frame as viewed in the beam window (i.e.,
this is the range of values that will be displayed in the status bar if you move the cursors in the
beam window from the upper left corner to the lower right corner). The commands :APT, :CHR,
:CUR require “world coordinates”. World coordinates are dependent on the frame size, capture
resolution, origin location, and pixel scale. This command returns the upper left and lower right
corners of world coordinates of the current frame.
Note: If the origin is set to upper left window or upper left detector then y values increase going down and decrease
going up.
WLD <configuration>
Key Type Value Description
UpperLeft F,F X,Y - upper left corner as viewed in beam
LowerRight F,F X,Y - lower right corner as viewed in beam
A.5.4.24 ZOM - zoom in/out
This command is identical to “:CAP ZoomIndex=z” and is provided for convenience. Allowable
range is defined by “:CAP?” and “NumZooms=n”.
:ZOM <configuration>
Key Type Value Description
Zoom L new zoom [+|-]z
-z = zoom out
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC