Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
camera resolution (see ZOM? and ZMM?).
Key Type Value Description
VideoTriggerLevel L Video trigger level for camera 1.
0 = 1/16 maximum pixel value
1 = 1/8 maximum pixel value
2 = 1/4 maximum pixel value
3 = 1/2 maximum pixel value
Video trigger level for cameras 2 to 4.
Valid only if you purchased the four-
camera option.
0 = 1/16 maximum pixel value
1 = 1/8 maximum pixel value
2 = 1/4 maximum pixel value
3 = 1/2 maximum pixel value
Summing B Sum frames enable.
SummingFrames I Number of frames to sum.
2 to 256
Average B Average frames enable.
AverageFrames I Number of frames to average.
2 to 256
GainCorrect B Gain correct enable.
ReferenceSubtract B Reference subtract enable.
ReferenceSource L Reference source.
0 = frame
1 = gauss
2 = auto gauss
Convolution L Convolution enable.
0 = none
1 = LPF1 3x3
2 = LPF1 5x5
3 = LPF1 7x7
4 = LPF2 3x3
5 = LPF3 3x3
I,I X,Y maximum frame size based on camera
and selected camera resolution
L Zoom level. Depends on camera and