Unit 1: PCL Emulation
SATO D512 PCL Programming Manual Page 1-19
Table 1-13: User-Defined Pattern
Command / Parameters Function / Result
# = number of data bytes
User-Defined Pattern
Downloads binary pattern data.
0 Rotate with print (Default)
Set Pattern Reference Point
Sets the pattern reference point to the current cursor position for user-
defined patterns.
Note: Default pattern reference point is the upper left corner of the
logical page.
0 Delete all patterns (temporary and
1 Delete all temporary patterns
2 Delete pattern (last ID specified)
4 Make pattern of last ID # temporary
5 Make pattern of last ID # permanent
Caution: Pattern Control
Manages the use of user-defined patterns.
Note: Use the Area Fill ID command (
*c#G) to set the ID.
Table 1-14: Rectangular Area Fill Graphics
Command / Parameters Function / Result
# = Number of Decipoints (0 - 32767)
(1 Decipoint = 1/720 inch)
Default = 0, valid to 4 decimal places
Horizontal Rectangle Size (in Decipoints)
Specifies the rectangle width in decipoints.
# = Number of PCL Units (0 - 32767)
Default = 0
Horizontal Rectangle Size (in PCL Units)
Specifies the rectangle width in PCL units.
Note: The size of PCL Units is set by the Unit-of-Measure command.
# = Number of Decipoints (0 - 32767)
(1 Decipoint = 1/720 inch)
Default = 0, valid to 4 decimal places
Vertical Rectangle Size (in Decipoints)
Specifies the rectangle height in decipoints.
# = Number of PCL Units (0 - 32767)
Default = 0
Vertical Rectangle Size (in PCL Units)
Specifies the rectangle height in PCL units.
Note: The size of PCL Units is set by the Unit-of-Measure command.