
Set Sensor Type
Command Structure <ESC>CIa
a = 0 Disable Sensor
1 Reflective (Eye-Mark ) Sensing
2 Transmissive (Label Gap or Notch) Sensing
Example: <ESC>CI1
Placement: This command should be sendt in a separate data
Default: <ESC>CI2 (Transmissive Sensing)
Command Function To select the top-of-label sensing method.
Input to Printer
Printer Output Theres is no printer output as a result of this command.
Special Notes 1. The reflective Eye-Mark must be a minimum of .125" wide and at
least 1.0" long. It should be parallel to the platen and centered on
the underneath side of the label
2. The transmissive gap must be a minimum of 0.125" wide.
3. See “Sensing” on page 8 for more information on label indexing.
Page 98 PN 9001092 Rev. A SATO CX208/212 Printers
CX208/212 Programming Guide