Command Structure <ESC>B3bbccc (data)
<ESC>D3bbccc (data)
<ESC>BD3bbccc (data)
bb = Width of narrow element in dots (01-12)
ccc = Bar height in dots (001-600)
(data) = Bar code data (numeric); must be exactly 13 digits. For
UPC-A, the first digit must be a zero and the last 11 digits
are the actual UPC-A data followed by a check digit.
To select UPC-A, 11 digits of data is sent. The printer adds a “0” and
automatically generates the check digit. If 12 digits of data are sent,
the printer assumes an EAN-13 symbol and automatically generates
the check digit. The last digit of the bar code data is a modulo 10
check digit. If 13 digits of data are sent to the printer, the check digit
is not created and must be supplied by the programmer. It must be
the last character in the 13 digit string and can be determined by
using the calculations outlined below.
Character Set 0-9 (numeric only)
Density Table
Value of “bb” Narrow Bar
Width (mils)
02 6.7 Below Minimum
03 10.0 75%
04 13.3 100%
02 10.0 75%
03 15.0 112%
04 20.0 150%
Notes D3 provides guide bars that extend longer than the rest of the bar
code. BD3 provides guide bars and the human readable text below
the symbol.
Appendix B: Bar Code Specifications
SATOCtSeriesPrinters9001069A PageB-5