Print Quantity
Command Structure <ESC>Qaaaaaa
aaaaaa = Total number of labels to print (1-999999)
Example: <ESC>Q500
Placement: Just preceding <ESC>Z, unless Cut command exists,
then preceding that. This command must be present in
every print job.
Default: None
Command Function To specify the total number of labels to print for a given print job.
Input to Printer
Printer Output Three labels containing the data “CT400” wll be printed.
Special Notes 1. To pause during a print job, you must press the LINE key on the
Operator Panel.
2. To cancel a print job, you must turn off the printer, or you may send
the <CAN> code if using the Bi-Com mode. Multi-Buffer jobs can
be cleared with the <ESC>* Clear Print Jobs and Memory
3. When used with the <ESC>F Sequential Numbering command, the
Print Quantity value should be equal to the total number of labels
to be printed.
4. If you do not specify a Print Quantity, the printer will not print a label.
5. For this command, leading zeroes do not have to be entered. The
command Q1 is equivalent to Q000001.
Section 4. Programming Reference
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