66 Administrator Guide for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft Windows
Read SAS Server Maintenance
Click Next.
Or, click Cancel to exit Maintenance Mode.
Read SAS Server Maintenance Tasks
Select the first option, either “Update SAS Install Data on the Server” or “Apply SAS Install
Data.” The text will be based on whether the image is for a client or a personal installation.
Click Next.
Or, click Back to view the SAS Server Maintenance window, or Cancel to exit Maintenance
Read SAS Installation Data if Maintenance Mode displays this window.
Fill in the full path and file name for the location of the SAS Installation Data file from the
Software Order E-mail.
Or, click Browse to find another file location.
Click Next.
Or, click Back to view the Retrieve SAS Installation Data window, or click Cancel to exit
Maintenance Mode.
Read Maintenance Complete
Click Finish to exit Maintenance Mode.
If you receive the error message
The information entered is not valid. Please re-enter your SAS
Installation Key and order number exactly as they appear on your
CD label.
Click OK, and then refer to the SAS Installation Key and order number listed on your SAS
Order Information sheet in your Installation Kit, or your Software Order e-mail. Re-enter
your information if necessary and click Next again.
If you receive an error message that lists the path name, and indicates that the file cannot be
open, and includes the text
SAS option '-PATH' not set.
Check configuration file, SAS environment options or command line
SAS option -'RESOURCELOC' not set.
Click OK. To renew your SAS Installation Data file on a server for clients, your connection to
the server must be the same as it was during the initial installation. SAS puts specific path
information in the configuration file during installation. Error messages will be generated if
the path information does not match during renewal.
Using Maintenance Mode to Create a Quiet Record File
A quiet.ini can be recorded if SAS Setup will be used with Quiet Mode. For more information
about quiet installation, refer to Using SAS Setup in Quiet Mode on
page 44.
Create a Quiet Record File: Dialogs & Directions
Most of the windows described below offer directions printed here in bold text. These
represent the quickest method for creating a quiet.ini.
Read SAS Server Maintenance
Click Next.
Or, click Cancel to exit Maintenance Mode.