58 Administrator Guide for SAS 9.1.3 Foundation for Microsoft Windows
If the Renew SAS Software tool cannot be reached from the Start menu, there are two other
ways to reach it:
1. Open Windows Explorer (Click on the Start button, select run from the menu and type
Explorer). Go to the following directory:
c:\Program Files\SAS\SAS System\9.1\core\sasinst\sasrenew.
Double-click on sasrenew.exe to start the Renew SAS Software tool.
2. Insert the Software Disk 1 CD and go to the following directory:
<CD Drive>:\sas\core\sasinst\sasrenew. Double-click on sasrenew.exe to
start the Renew SAS Software tool.
In either case, the default location for the !sasroot directory is C:\Program
Files\SAS\SAS 9.1 .
Renew SAS Software Windows
Type the pathname in the SAS Installation Data File field.
Or, click Browse to select the file and then click OK.
Click Next to move to the next window.
Or, click Cancel to exit Renew SAS Software.
If the SID file that you selected contains the proper information, the next window that
appears will be Verify SAS Installation Data.
Note: If the list box in this window is blank, there is a problem with your SID file. A new
one must be obtained. You can request a resend of the SID file via e-mail from the
following location:
Check the SAS Installation Data field listings that are associated with the SID file you
Click OK to accept this SAS Installation Data and move to Step 2.
Or, click Cancel to return to Step 1 where a different file can be chosen.
The Verify SAS Installation Data window appears the first time that you click Next in Step 1
and anytime you change the location of the SID file. The top line in the list box shows the